Hi, I am 29 years old and have been on Loestrin since October last year. I do forget to take my pills sometimes and so I double up the next day. Six days ago I woke up nauseous and it got progressively worse throughout the day. I was terribly exhausted and couldn't really do anything without feeling out of breath and faint. My temperature became high and then leveled out. I never threw up and my bathroom habits remained normal. I still, today, have no appetite, feel tension and cramping on and off in my belly and my energy level is better but not normal. I should mention that I am a fitness trainer and I NEVER get sick and I always have energy. I haven't worked out in 6 days. I'm afraid to exercise, as if I'm going to pull something in my belly. That's how weird it feels. I took a pregnancy test 5 days ago and it was negative, but I have no idea what kind of timing I have because, due to the Loestrin, I don't actually bleed every month. Perhaps its too early to test? Anyway, please help.