Hi, starting early this morning around 12 am until now, I have been feeling extremely nauseous and sick to my stomach. Haven't been able to sleep well as I constantly keep waking up from feeling so nauseous, that at times a little bit of puke just comes up. Earlier today I had diarrhea, and I have absolutely no appetite at all, I tried eating a piece of cheerios but again the nauseous feeling is overpowering. I am normal weight but have gotten very sick this year with stomach problems and lately I have been having low sugar problems, and I am wondering if the food I ate yesterday ( broccoli quiche, chicken whole grain panini, multi-grain cheerios and salt and viniger pringles later at night ( I know very bad and I'm wondering if the salt has anything to do with it, although when I have way to much salt I can pee up to more than 20 times in an hour (sugar seeping through?) may have caused this feeling. Any input would much be appreciated! thanks!