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After going through history of your daughter, she is suffering from kidney disease possibly
Nephrotic syndrome.
Look there are many causes of Nephrotic Syndrome and treatment depends on cause, if she was properly investigated by
Nephrologist and with treatment improved it needs to be followed up on regular basis and if if relapse is there she must be seen by Nephrologist and investigated and treated accordingly. Mostly Renal function( BUN,Creatinine),Urine R&M 24 hours urine protein. Renal USG,
Renal biopsy and other investigations.
It is not clear if Kidney Biopsy was done or not and if yes what type of disease was there as not all pathology respond to steroid drugs.
Steroid responsive is
minimal change disease and other may require other treatment.
In the mean time low protein,low salt and high
carbohydrate and fat diet with limited fluid to continue.
Be careful because sometime alternative medicine may contain nephrotoxic contents hence we do not advise to take such treatment .
Please take care
Good Luck