Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic
Weight loss is acheived when the energy intake is less than the energy output.
To do this a person needs to either reduce or alter their intake or increase their ouput of energy.
The exercising you have been doing would increase your output but the only 3% of persons lose weight by exercise alone.
Dietary modification is essential to weight loss. There are two basic types: low calorie, low fat diet and low
carbohydrate diet.
The low fat low calorie diet aims to reduce your caloric intake by reducing the fat used.
The low carb uses the idea that carbohydrates stimulate
insulin secretion and insulin promotes fat storage. Less insulin, more breakdown of fat.
You can consider the two options to determine which you prefer.
Losing weight is difficult ,it may be helpful to involve family or friends, join an online program or visit a bariatrician for advise and treatment.
I hope this helps