hi doctor,i was not getting pregnent,so in april,i consulted a doctor,she told me that i have polycystic ovaries means small egg size.so she advised me to take pivox 500mg daily till i get pregnent twice a day.n then at 3rd day or periods i have taken clomid for 5 days.in may,doctor told me to tak duphaston 10mg for 10days from the 14th day of periods.and the same pivox n same clomid on same days as before.but till i have not concived.she said your codition is better now you ll concieve soon.is it a safe way?
1 more thing i want to ask that now this month i want to skip my periods because iam going for umrah.so i want to delay periods.my doctor told me to take pivox till 15th june n then dont take it and take duphaston 10mg twice a day for 1 month,your periods ll be delayed this month.will duphaston delay my periods for this month?after 1 month she asked me when ill come back.i have to see her agan.