Hi, I have a painful, fleshy (spongey) swelling on my right collar bone with pain emanating up my neck - across my shoulder and top of my right arm, and even in my back. I have been diagnosed with diabetes 2 (but with my complications, I think it s 1, and the metformin is not working.) about 5 years ago. I suffer from chronic gout (recently lost 60 lbs after changing diet) I also have a fleshy lump on my ribs on the left side of my torso also extremely painful to touch. I also have night sweats, fever and chills, which comes periodically - with the gout?? The gout seems to be more chronic than ever before. These lumps feel like fire burning throbbing through the area.... kind of like gout - but I;ve always had gout just in my feet..... Help! I had a step infection in my blood stream a few years ago following a robotic hysterectomy surgery.... could this be infection that was not cleared up - infecting my bones? I am in major pain.... ready to go to ER but I don t have any money or insurance - husband just left after 20 years of marriage; I am ready to die. Help!