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homeopathic treatment is given as per the aetiological factors of the health problem and from the totality of symptoms present with the patient. You have
diverticulitis. The diverticulitis is the inflammation of diverticulae, the pouch like structure in large intestine. The cause of diverticulitis could be irregular or slow peristaltic motion of GI tract that creates more intra pressure inside the GItract and develop the present health problem.
So from etiological factor it is required some homeopathic medicines that can maintain the smooth peristaltic movement. Those are Nux vom, lycopodium, alumina, bryonia, sulphur.
So second things come the symptoms. If the patient is having pain that relieves by pressure - colocynth,
mag phos
If the pain relieves by going flatus - lycopodium
If the pain is at lower abdomen and more on after noon hour - lycopodium
If there is pain after a hour of taking meal - Nux vom
If the pain with feling of heaviness of abdomen - Nux vom
If there is
constipation with urging for stool but after bowel movement feeling like 'not clear' sensation - nux vom
If there is no urging for stool and much straing during stool - alumunia
If there is gurgling like sounds and bloated ness of stomach with sour taste or sour
belching worse on after noon hour - lycopodium
So looking to all the symptoms and etiological factors the medicines are selected.
hope this will helpful for you
Thank you