On September 26, 2016 I flew from Austin, TX to Hartford, CT and felt great. I woke up on 9/27 with a sore throat but went to work anyway and got worse as the day went on...it hurt to swallow. I went to Urgent Care and he stated I had a virus; no meds but to take Sudafed, Tylenol, and Ibuprofen. I stayed in the hotel room the next day with throat and muscle aches all day. I felt better on 9/29, worked in the office all day and flew home 9/30. I could function but my throat, runny nose continued. I then flew back to CT on 10/3 and returned on 10/6 with same symptoms, feeling like junk in the throat, runny nose and fatigued and blowing my nose and coughing up green to then white mucus. I've been feeling the same way ever since but now with a cough (not coughing anything up now). I have to clear my throat often. My runny nose continues and the fatigue is there but I get through the day, tired and sleep soundly at night.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!