You are 38/F, mother of 3 children, taking
contraceptive tabs for the last 12 yrs. You have 2 fibrod
tumors on the left side of
uterus one is 3.7×3.4×2.8cm other is 1.5×1.3×1.2cm. Total endometrial stripe thickness is 10mm, right ovary is 3.3×1.8×1.7cm left is 3.4×3.2×2.7cm.
The normal adult ovary measures approximately 3cm - 5cm in length, 1.5cm - 3cm in width, and 0.5cm - 1.5cm in thickness;
Endometrium: average thickness of 6.7 mm.
So other than the
Fibroid, endometrium and ovary are almost normal for you.
Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that grow in or around the womb (uterus). The growths are made up of muscle and fibrous tissue and can vary in size.
The exact cause of fibroids is unknown. However, fibroids are linked to the female hormone,
estrogen. Estrogen is the female reproductive hormone produced by the ovaries (the female reproductive organs). Fibroids usually develop during a woman’s reproductive years (from approximately 16 to 50 years of age).
1) Leave it as such and observe along with Medical management
2) Non invasive surgery
3) Surgical Removal
Out of this three the result of first two are not up to the expectation.
Considering your age, the uterus has served its purpose (3 children) Surgical removal is advised for you.
Surgical removal is removal of fibroid alone (myomectomy) - Not advised for you
The only think advised for you is
Hysterectomy either Laprascopical - Vaginal - Abdominal which depends upon the surgeon's choice. You will be totally alright. No tabs, No
breakthrough bleeding, No periods, No cold sweats in night and No chance of future malignancy (cancer). Regarding
ovarian cyst Dr has to decide to keep it or remove it
Better decide earlier.
Best wishes.