HiYes there is alternative treatment to drug treatment for
Anxiety of all types age of your daughter is not available but following can be practiced by any body above 10 years. First recognized therapy which can be tried is India Yoga(like Shav Ashan ; Padam Ashan ) .and also Relaxation exercise (Again Shav ashan );lying supine and deep breathing with concentrating on air going in and out during breathing . In some indulging in spiritual activities may help These take some time to respond but can be performed at home after being trained to do so There are sites on net which teaches these and also on some of Indian TV Channels. Going to western model Bio feed back treatment can be performed at home Yes you have to buy bio feed back instrument .Some simple method are deep breathing &
meditation ; physical exercise
Let me make you clear that these methods are time consuming and one has to be properly trained to do. Advantage is that all of above can be done at home; can be made part of life style through out life and will serve as prevention for many of physical and anxiety related disorders
For immediate and better result I will prefer in my patient’s drugs and above treatment together for some time and then stop the drugs
For example in Shav Ashan ( I am not expert as I am not a Yoga man but broad steps are as following )
Lye supine on a comfortable bed in a calm and quite room ;both hands on close to side of body ;palms facing up legs relaxed and in natural position ; eye closed ;normal slow breathing ; try to relax all parts of body gradually ;do it for 15 minutes 3 times a day ;don’t bother about time ask some body in the house to tell you that time is over ;once you have finished do not get up immediately lye for some time with eye open soaking in the feeling and then get up.( A trained teacher will make you learn it better )
In Meditation try to concentrate in padmasan in sitting position and try to concentrate on one point say name of god /on your breathing
If you are no from India go Yoga site on net and try to learn these .Even you can get yoga teacher some where around near by you have to look for it as many countries out site India are practicing this Yoga