I have been doing the insanity workout program for about 4wks now and have lost nearly 20lbs...I always wear a chest strap heartrate monitor and have recently become acutely aware of my xiphoid process, as it has become very tender and possibly slightly inflamed, but if there's inflamation I think its minimal. It usually hurts most in tue few hours following my workout. Also when it is sore my entire chest feels heavy or constricted. When I'm at peak heart rate during exercise (Around 185) this is rarely an issue, its usuallt following workouts. Is this potentially tenderness relared to the chest strap iritating the area or is this possibly something more significant? I'm a 33yr old male, 6', 170lbs, good bp, and no personal or family history if heart disease, my father had angioplasty at 56, but was always a heavy smoker. He has since stopped smiking and gets good stress tests for 15 yrs since his procedure.