I have my Dr.'s appt tomorrow for my suboxone. I was an opiate user for 2 to 3 years... My family Dr prescribed me 2mg of ativan 3 times a day. i am larger in size...dont know it that matters, but the ativan doesnt curb my anxiety. I know all about the resp depression. I dont abuse suboxone nor do I abuse ativan. I have taken xanax in the past and it has worked way better at the same dosage. My opiate cravings are almost non existant, but I have struggled with anxiety my whole life. I am 34 and I cannot go on living in the fear. I go on a job interview and I tense up and it feels like the walls are sinking in on me, my mouth gets dry and it ends up awful and Im sick of hearing "thanks, you will be called in considered for the position" My question is, with my addictive past with opiates, I am scared my Dr will think I am just trying to get more Rx out of him. The ativan is a joke. it just doest do the job. I have tried anti-depressents, which dont do a thing. I am not chemically depressed...its just the anxiety that paralyzes me. Ive tried the yoga, excersize, the breathing...I just cant go on anymore. I pay out of pocket, 200 each visit, we talk for 10 to 20 minutes and he gives me my suboxone script. I am in AA, have worked a 5th step...felt better, but this is more than that. Its neurological. How do I approach my Dr asking for xanax? It seems Dr shoppers have ruined it for the people who need it. I dont know whats worse...living this way or breaking down and finding a xanax dealer on the streets. I am just being honest. Help me. I am 34 as I have said and cant live in fear anymore....I wont...but dont want to come across aggresive. I am at a dead end. Its like no one understands how anxiety makes my life hell. help me please with a good way to approach this situation.