I have had 2 laproscopic surgeries for endometriosis and both were negative. I have had cysts on ovaries for 10 years. I just dont ovulate, but they say all else looks good. We tried chlomid for a solid year now with no luck, so we have now moved to a specialist. They want to do follistim shots and iui... Should i be nervous? They did see what could be adenomyosis on outside of uterus but didn't seemed worried about getting pregnant. I start shots in a few weeks then iui. I am so nervous bc we have had no luck with chlomid and all the women in my family miscarried or had a hard time, but I am the first to do shots and iui. My spouses sperm count is great, I just can't ovulate... Do I have an ok chain with these shots and iui? I just don't wanna lose hope