hello sir, i am dr twinkle narsingani, a gynecologist working at a trust hospital in ankleshwar(gujrat). i have a patient, 39yrs who had pain in abdomen with raised CA 125 leves. CT showed simple ovarian cyst and adenomyosis. Also a co incident finding of MULTIPLE AREAS OF CONSOLIDATION WITH INTERNAL CAVITY. a chest X-ray ws done which showed an area of consolidation wid internal cavity, also another area of consolidation. on detail asking, patient gave history of a respiratory complain as in pain in rt thorax nd resp difficulty in 2005. the patient was thoroughly investigated at that time. Biopsy showed inflammatory lesion, BAL showed candida tropicalis on culture, smear was negative. AFB was negative. patient was treated with AKT and symptoms relieved. when compared wid the X-RAY in 2005, the recent XRAY showed same lesions with same character probably static lesion............ what could be the DIAGNOSIS? the patient is asymptomatic for resp complains and needs to be operated for adenomyosis.