Hi following problem bothering me for 2 years and the problem is PVCs, tachycardia, chest tightness and shortness of breath. According to doctors heart is healthy (a slight mitral valve prolapse ) several times I happened fast heartbeat the first time without cause accelerated heart rate was about 180 beats a pause (beat beat pause beat beat beat pause) like that I called an ambulance, but when they arrive they did a electrocardiogram caught sinus tachycardia 150 beats (no skips). Following this time I had 2 times within 2 years same tachycardias with no success in capturing it on the ECG . Tests I ve done in these two years are ECG, Echo, Stress ECG, 24 Hrs Holter and blood tests.Also quite alot PVCs almost every day sometimes 2-3 a day sometimes 300-400 + sometimes is (beat beat skip beat beat beat ...) and sometimes is (beat skip skip skip beat skip skip skip skip beat beat beat ...)I read about electrophysiological study but the problem is this i live in Bulgaria here for such study the arrhytmia should be registered with ECG without ECG record of arrhythmia they dont do the study. So my questions are: 1:Are these PVCs,Tachy dangerous in the heart with a slight prolapse. 2:Is there a way to stop it. 3:Can PVCs,Tachy be turned into a dangerous arrhythmia. 4:Is there a need for electrophysiologic study after everything else is normal. 5:I am very worried that about PVCs that are (beat skip skip skip skip beat beat skip skip skip) is this normal? 6:I also have early repolarization which all doctors say it is nothing could this be the reason (there is a very scary stuff about it on the net) I m currently on beta blocker and vitamins my BP is normal range from (110-140 systolic, 60-90 diastolic)except for rare moments when i get scared it rises up to 170/100 for few minutes 10-15. 26 y/o smoker,non-drinker. I will be grateful if you advise me what to do.