Doc I have a problem when defacating, it hurts a lot in my back passage and I have to usually help the motion on its way with a gloved finger , I ve been using a prescribed lidocaine cream to help but it s so tight and painful now I can t even touch it and the lidocaine doesn t help with this part of the problem. The pain has been there for over 24 hours and it s like having dental pain in my ass. I can touch the cheeks and the first part of the anal opening (my wife says it looks purple and swollen to look at) its inside it, it is very tight and if I try to insert a finger the pain is excruciating what do I do?
Sorry doc I forgot to add some of my history I didn't think I'd get an answer, my stools are quite loose (I take movicol, latulose and senna) I am on quite a high dose of morphine due to a large open wound from an appendectomy 6 years ago (wound still open and has become a fistula/sinus with an operatoin performed to remove it but it came back) chronic infection and abscesses and recurrent MRSA of which I'm constantly on doxycilene fluclox,cef,met amoxicillin etc etc