hello alokpathak1986,
pain and
stiffness are common symptoms caused due to
cervical spondylosis which now a days has become a very common condition of spine occurring in even young due to long sitting hours or sitting in front of pc or laptop for longer hours without breaks and long travelling.
the mistake that u did was u exercised during pain, u should never exert ur body part which is already in pain. since u have been now suffering from 2-3 months its seems ur condition has aggravated and for this u do need medicines along with
hot fomentation over ur neck region along with physiotherapy will help u. also i suggest u homoeopathic medicine calcarea carb 200 two times in a day for 5 days will help.
then after ur acute pain is relieved i m describing u an exercise which will help in long run.
for this when u get up in morning, while still on bed u can do these. sit cross legged, turn ur neck slowly to left then right three times after that roll ur shoulders in clockwise as well as anticlockwise directions for 5 times each, then sit straight and try to bring ur shoulder up to ur ears, do this for 5 times then the last one raise ur arms up high and join hands in namaste pose and try and stretch ur hands as high as u can. then slowly release ur hands down. this will all relieve u of the stiffness in ur arms and hands and neck. but the underlined warning is do not attempt all these whenever u r already in a
severe pain.
hope u satisfied with the answers. Please accept my answers if so.
Take care.
Dr. Rooma Ramnani
healthcaremagic community.