Sure! Sudden onset of bilat muscular shoulder, hip and knee pain. occurred upon awakening 2 wks ago Monday. No injuries have occurred. R knee w moderate swelling above patella, swelling felt hard, not anything like fluid. I've had a productive cough-clear sputum for ~ 3 wks. Also increased fatigue and irritability. I have never had trauma or injury to knees, hips or shoulders (except probable tendinitis to R shoulder 10 mos ago and is 90% resolved) L shoulder pain feels muscular ~ 2 finger widths below actual shoulder joint, odd, unpredictable movements aggravate it w stabbing pain ~5cm straight down lat shoulder.. my concern is what caused these muscle groups to suddenly swell and be painful; 4-7 worst pain on pain scale, intermittently. could I have some sort of virus along with cough. Are these sx characteristic for a dx of plain old arthritis. 48 yr old female. thoughts? thx