sir, i am sanjay Age 27M at delhi,i have pain in spin L/S so doctor advice me that MRI test L/S spin than tested my MRI so report is Lumbar lordosis is straightened with a transitional vertebra at S1 vertebral bodies are normal in height, intensity and alignment. Early schmorl s nodes are seen at multiple levels. mild disc bulge is seen at L3/4 level indenting the thecal sac with no significant neural compression. diffuse posterior disc bulge is seen and L4/5 level indenting the thecal sac and bilateral descending L5 nerves. Mild disc bulge is seen at L5/S1 level indenting the thecal sac with no significant neural compression. Bony canal is capacious at all levels with no obviious primary canal stenosis . Distal cord, conus medullaris and filu terminale are normal in MR morphology. pre and paravertebral soft tissuse are normal.