Hi there, I have been experiencing for the past couple of years an outbreak of red (which turn to black ) spots, sometimes painful/itchy and at first I went to adermatologist who diagnosed it as Folliculitis and gave me cream, antibiotics , anti0inflammation and anti- histamine .It worked for a while, but the medicine was too strong for my stomach and often made me feel nauseus and dizzy. Anyway, completed the course of medicine and it went a way for a while but recurred again and at the beginning it just appeared on some places of my body, but now it has appeared a lot on my rear end, thighs and slowly starting to go up towards my stomach and chest areas as well as to my feet and some parts of my legs. Antibiotics help with relieving the symptom, but I am not quite sure whether it can help me in the long run. I am making use of Spirulina and Propolis now to aid me and I must say that it has helped a bit especially b stopping some spots from coming out from under my skin. I have had a weak immune system for years and I am guessing that it somehow has been infected and affected by a variety of things, like weather, food, different climate, different country... ANyway, so my question is How can I solve this situatio with the dark spots that are now scars on my body and from the ones that might come out later??? John