hello there!
Thank you for asking. I read your query and i want you to know that your question has answer in it. As your ecg is normal and you are too young to have some serious trouble. All you need is lifestyle management
Following will help
Modifying lifestyle factors
Reduce weight
Add to
bulimia control programm
See a
psychiatrist have some
psychotherapy sessions
Regular excercise
Neutralizing acid or inhibiting acid-producing mechanisms
Enhancing esophageal and gastric motility
You really need Dietry modifications. Avoid stimulants mentioned below
Fried or fatty foods
Carbonated beverages
Citrus fruits or juices
Tomato sauce
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
Follow my below mentioned 12 POINTS AGENDA to treat symptoms
1.lose weight divide your weight to the height in meters twice and if the result is more than 25 reduce the weight.
2.Avoid alcohol, chocolate, citrus based fruits,tomato based products
3.avoid pepper mint coffe and possibly the onion family
4.eat small freequent meals rather than large meals.
5.wait at least 3 hours after the meal to lie down or sleep.
6.refrain from ingesting food (except liquids) with in 3 hours of bed time.
7.elevate the head of your bed at least 8 inches
8.avoid bending or stooping positions
9.dont use nsaids
10.dont smoke
11. have a proper sleep routine
12. use
cold milk as drink avoid all hot beverages and carbonated ones
You are fine and too young to be in trouble., Dont put yourself in one for sloppy routine and lifestyle. Modify it before its too late
Hope i was of some help
Dr S Khan