I just got back the results of a pelvic ultra sound, it says that I have a mildly heterogeneous uterus without focal fibroid, endometrial stripe thickness of 11mm, and a complex 2.6cm right ovarian cyst. I had a pap and endometrial biopsy on Sept. 22nd and scheduled a hysterectomy for the 24th of this month. I started my period the next day. I have had low abdominal pain since and pain on my right side, I thought it was just really bad cramps but my period has passed and the pain is only getting worse. I called my GYN and he ordered the ultra sound, but it took a few days for them to get me in.I went to my PCP 4 days ago because the pain was getting even worse, and he did a UA and it came back positive for high amounts of puss, he prescribed 2 antibiotics. As of yet I am not feeling any better. My results are back now and both of my doctors offices are closed today. Any thoughts about appreciated.