The tip of my penis itches. It seems to be on the outside of the penis as I can notice it a little more if it rubs against something. It is NOT worse when I pee. There is no redness, swelling , discharge , or smell. I recently got unprotected fellatio from a girl with a sharp piercing on her tongue . It felt fine at the time but a couple of hours later it started to feel uncomfortable. It doesn t seem like an STD would show up that fast. So I just assumed that it was scratched even though I didn t see any marks. But the next day the discomfort was mostly at the tip and when I tried to isolate it I couldn t leading me to beleive it was just inside the tip. One more day later and it is not as bad but is still there. I am wondering about a possible infection from the piercing. I am 47, and in decent shape. Not much over weight and I run everyday.