Several months ago, I had an external hemorrhoid , which I got checked by two separate physicians. They couldn t really give me more advice than to watch my diet and use Anusol cream and suppositories and that it should be gone in about a week. I used it and watched my diet (balanced with a lot of water, fruits, nuts , legumes, vegetables, etc. that have a lot of fiber ). Didn t go away for a month. But finally it did. However, the problem is for several months now, I still feel uncomfortable in the rectal area. I feel it pulsating and it feels like blood is constantly trying to bulge out. I can t sit for longer than 5 minutes before I feel uncomfortable so I spend most of my day lying down and doing work as a student. I m scared that it will be like this for the rest of my life because the skin has lost its elasticity down there. I can t sit comfortably, and I can t exercise like I used to; the most I can do is a very light jog. Please advise.