I have a persistently numb thigh: will it heal? I was doing a gym exercise whereby you hold a weight in your hand and then kneel with one knee, keeping your back straight. Then you do the same with the other knee. Suddenly I felt something like a muscle or a nerve being torn, it felt like a rubber band being snapped in my right thigh. I had to stop the exercise immediately. The pain in my thigh was not severe and cleared up after two days and there was no effect on the motor function of my leg. However, I discovered that the skin on the front and side of my right thigh had gone numb. That was over two weeks ago and it is still as numb as ever. An internet search has led me to believe it will not heal. Is that true? I am not sure if I pulled a muscle or if the weight (6kg) bumped off my thigh and caused bruising to a nerve. I found a small bruise mark but it may have been there already. I am 54 and have had ongoing trouble with my lower back. Perhaps a loss of cartilage in my spine has resulted in the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve being pinched? I have no pain, however, just numbness, so I m not sure if what I have is Meralgia Paresthetica . I would hope it is something else, more manageable.