Hi, I have several raided red pimple like bumps surrounded by a pale pink ring around them, very itchy, I had one 2 weeks ago, then it went away then 2 more came indifferent areas, both my animals are flea protected and my condo is kept extremly clean. I investigated all matresses and there is no sign of bed bugs, vaccuumed and put baking sodium on the two bedroom carpets and have vaccummed several times. Still my older boy has no bites at all but my younger son and I have had bites ongoing for the last 2 weeks. One here or there, lately he has had none, but, I am still getting them, I have taken antihsitamine and it really does nothing. Right now I have five in total one on my stomach (the are the size of a nickle) two on one arm and one on the other arm, no one on my face. I have had chicken pox as I child and so have both of my children. My younger son and I were at the hospital ( he had a broken finger )about two weeks ago and these red pimple like pumps started 12 hours after our visit to the hospital. We both had a tummy ache the second night after getting these red like pimple bumps, but no fever and otherwise we are eating, sleeping and functioning well. I did find old lunches under my sons bed but they were all contained in plastic bags, he does this from time to time if he does not like hsi lunches, I told him that he cannot do this or we will get bugs in the condo. We could not find and evidence of any bugs at all, we have moved and cleanbed everywhere. Could you shed some light of what this might be, I would really appreciate your professional opinion.