hello I used to have acne , and used proactiv, which helped alot. Several months ago, I had a pimple and I treated it as normal, but when it came to a head and popped, it formed a red scaly rash around it and other pimples came up right near it and the same happened with them. I still thought it was acne and treated it as such. Later I went to the doctor and he said it wasa fungal infection and he gave me an antifungal cream. Ive been using that on and off for the past few months and I just realize that it isnt curing the problem, just helps clear up fungal infections that are showing, not killing all the fungal spores in the skin. I just want to know what to do to completely get rid of recurring infection, if indeed that is what I have. I cannot tell if a bump on my face is a real pimple or not until it pops and then either it will heal or the ring will form and become scaly and itchy around the spot where the pimple was. Help please