I have had strange symptom for the past week those that resemble pregnancy and yesterday evening I had light pink color on my toilet paper... No pain I have had a tubal ligation done but I am unsure exactly what procedure (bands,clips,cut,burnt,ect) I am 25 and had the procedure done in April of 2011. I had intercourse with my husband lastnight and had no spotting or any such lastnight however this morning when I went for my first pee of the day I had the light pink on my toilet paper and in the toilet there was a very small red dot of blood about 1/4 of the size of a pencil eraser.. My symptoms all this week have been nauseated all day ,diarrhea of the morning only( which I didn't have today) extremly sleepy and bloating along with some leg pains and I've been sneezing my last period began on oct 23 the best I can remember concerned if I am preg or what's going on? Please help!!