Thanks for your query.
Noted the history of
chronic diarrhea for the last 2 years, starts as hot flash or wave of heat, gets violently ill, no vomiting, intense pain and cramping, tests normal,
colonoscopy normal, CT scan shows thickening of ileum, your Doctor thinks of Carcinoid syndrome...
Thickening of the ileum along with the symptoms indicate that you may have
Tuberculosis or Crohn's syndrome. You need a repeat colonoscopy to reach the
terminal ileum to get the biopsy to get a confirmed diagnosis and further management as needed.
Another way is Diagnostic
laparoscopy and get the tissue specimen.
You can also have blood tests related to these diseases.
5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid (5-HIAA) is confirmatory of a Carcinoid syndrome, please ask for this test too.