Pls I need help, some months ago I smoked marijuana and got severe anxiety, I slept off woke up the next morning feeling fine then exactly a week later I just got confused lot of pictures memories from nowhere I thought I was going to go mad my heart was pounding, I couldn't think straight lots of unconnected thoughts couldn't sleep so I took diazapam and I think that where my problem started, I woke up the next morning feeling like I never slept at all, to cut it short over the past five months this are my symptoms;
Intense Feeling like am in a dream
Head feels clogged
Can't hold a thought
Annoying unconnected thoughts
Can't understand things the way they are like I could be watching a romance movie and be feeling scared
Can't sense my environment
Can't concentrate
Feeling like you are walled off from the world by a glass
Can't feel what am seeing or hearing
Unconnected thoughts
Dream every day
Feel like am thinking while sleeping
Ears ringing