Premature ejaculation is a common problem that strikes most men at some point in their lives. Several factors can influence , when ejaculation occures, but it can be controlled with some forethought or is extreame cases medical intervention.
Keep in mind that ,erectile problem come and go and this issue is most likely not permanant. Additionally, most men gain more control over ejaculating as they get older. If you are still young , try ,not to worry too much.,you will probably grow out of premature ejaculation.
My Suggestoin is :
Wear a condom. Condoms reduce stimulation for most men ,which should prolong the time before ejaculation.
Take deep breathes. This helps interupt your
stress responce and forces you to relax.
Apply stop - and - start method.
SPIRULINA CAPSULE 500 mg and NEO TABLET each one at bed time.
Take SHILAJIT PASHPAM with honey
If you routinly ejaculate , you can visit a Sex Therapist or a Psychiortrist for help.