Hello, I had my last menses in march end.april i was supposed to get but i didnt so i used the test kit on 6th may and it was +ve.As i never do unprotected sex,it seemed impossible so I did the test thrice and it was +ve thrice.But I started bleeding the same evening and it was there for around 4days.It was bright red and clumpy in appearance
After 15 days I did another test but the second line was too light.I did an ultrasound but it was empty uterus.Thinking that it might be very early pregnancy i waited again and did the test strip again yesterday(3rd june).BUt this time the second line was barely there.After drying,that is around half an hour,you can hardly see the line.
I am really confused as there is a 2nd line(barely there but it is). am i pregnant?