I am 18 years old and just found out I was pregnant, im not sure how far along I am but I took 5 different home test and they all said I was. The night before last I had really bad cramping all through the night and in the morning when I used the restroom I was bleeding, I have had about 2 or 3 blood clots in my blood. I am currently wearing a pad because I am still bleeding, at first it wasnt really red, it was like a light color sort of orangeish but after the blood clots, my blood got a lot more red. Im not sure what is going on, am I having a miscarriage? If you need more information on what is going on, just ask, im not sure exactly what all I need to tell you. All I know is that im scared, ive seen some sites on the internet with a few different answers to what is going on and it scares me so I just need to talk to a real doctor. I dont have insurance so I wanted to talk to you first so that I can sort of know what is going on. I hope you can help me out.