welcome to health care magic
madam high levels of TSH hormone indicates that you are suffering from
HYPOTHYROIDISM,,secondly your 150mg dose of tab is not sufficient to suppress the TSH..during
pregnancy you may need additional iodine to meet the daily T4 requirement..
consult general physician and increase the dose..
your hypothyroidsm may have effects on you and also your baby..
For you it may leads to miscarriages,
preeclampsia,post partum hemorrhage,..
for your baby it causes serious effects like low IQ,
premature birth,low birth wt..,mental retardation..etc,.
In severe cases your baby may get
Dont waste time,immediately consult physician/surgeon and increase the dose..
you need to undergo complete thyroid profile.,,and do according to that levels..
You must be in caution..
hope you understand my suggestion..
Have a beautiful and healthy baby..
thank you