Good day! My doctor told me about four months back I have endometrial cancer. He also prescribed me flagyl and tavaloxx to clear up any bacteria or infections, and to keep it clean for a the operation. Well I took the medicine but only after one doze of each antibiotic I started no control over my muscles all over my body! It was terrifying. My husband took me to the ER and they gave me a dose of medicine to counter act the antibiotics. What scared me was that the doctor that treated me at the ER thought I was born like that! I looked like a very severe dystonia patient according to him. After about an hour my muscles started to relax, but since then my temporal lobes keeps swelling and I have the severest pressure inside my brain. Sometimes it will be days before my temporal lobes swelling go down. I also keep forgetting things, which for is disturbing because I am one of those people who can remember every thing in my life! Except now I forget basic things! I feel slower in my mind set! What is wrong with me? The blood tests the ER done showed no problems in my blood, but why is this happening to me? Can you please help me with this?