Hi, I have been menstruating for over seven weeks now and I am passing larger and larger clots as time goes on. I am not going through an abundance of pads by the hour but I do have bouts of heavy bleeding (like a gushing) where I completely soak a pad. My doctor said to come back for a pap when the bleeding stops. My ultrasound (a year ago) came back clear. I did not have a real period for about three years before this bleeding started, ie, I would bleed VERY lightly for a day here and there but nothing consistent or on schedule. I did have a break for about a week at the end of February/beginning of March but I m back to bleeding again. My mom and sister are anemic; I am not. My sister had uterine cancer and had to have a hysterectomy just over two years ago. Should I be concerned? I REALLY appreciate your time. Respectfully, Amy C.