Hello Doc,
I have a query regarding myoclonic epilepsy which was diagnosed to me at the age of 26. I am 31 now, weight 95Kg, height 183cms good built. When this was first reported, the doc advised Valparin Chrono 200mg (4 tab/day) for 3 yrs,EEG and MRI normal. I took it for 6 months and discontinued, then again after 1 yr of first occurrence I had the seizure again. This time I took it seriously and started valparin course again and continued for 3 yrs. After 3 yrs of regular medicine (Sep 2012), I had the EEG done and it came normal so doc advised me to discontinue the medicine. However the issue is the problem has resurfaced in Sep 2013. This time I am in Bangalore and here the docs advised me to take Levepsy 500 twice a day. I just had another seizure out of the blue in Dec 2013 again even after taking the medicine. Need a second opinion from you that if any other scan or something is required. This time after few days have gone by I still feel a soft pain towards the left side of my body from head to toe. May be the after effects of the seizure, I am not sure. Kidnly advise if I need to undergo any other tests or scan and if this is curable through proper medicine course? Thank you!