My surgery occurred March 25th. The surgeon said it was very complicated and included the removal of multiple pelvic adhesions, both ovaries, an adenexal mass, and lymph nodes.Discharge date: noon, March 27th. A home care nurse has come to the house twice for dressing changes and to assess the incision. The bruising is clearing. My discharge paperwork is very general and suggests that recovery should take place in 4-6 weeks. This seems very optimistic considering the extent of the surgery. (I was taken to the maternity wing post surgery and wonder if the discharge paperwork was intended for someone postpartum.) My RBC dropped post-surgery so have been prescribed an iron supplement. My fluid intake is very good, my appetite is fairly good, I try to get up and move about several times a day, and my bladder and bowels both work. I turned 67 on March 29th.