The another chance case of yours can be either orthopedic or least chance to be Neurological disorder. A neurologist can find a solution for this, but its better to consult a-specialist at first.. This compression of canal in your wrist presses your nerves which results in tingling of your fingers.our nerves as inside this canal Extensive driving, office work or even usage of computer can worsen your situation. Its better to tie a Wrist Pad which u will get from a medical store, on wrists so few weeks especially during night so that you don't fold your wrist and exert pressure on ur wrist canal. Consult a Ortho-specialist as soon as possible he will certainly suggest u consult a neurologist if required. Remember this is not a neurological disorder so ther is nothing to worry intake of calcium, Vit E tablets ect will solve your problem but dont treat nd take medicine yourself.. Consult a good Ortho-specialist first.
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Low Body calcuim levels maily results in tingling and numbness. Go to Diagnostic Lab center and ask them to check your serum calcuim nd serum phosphorous level. Also you can consult a Endocrinologist for further diagnosis. Just supplementation of calcium will solve your problem at early stages or at latter stages the chance of getting Neurological disorders like seizures, figs etc. are very high. So early treatment of this is better suggested.It is not a disease,its only a deficiency in your blood, so there is nothing to worry about if u give proper care at the earliest.Pls don't take any medicine without consulting a doctor