Hi, THanks for posting your query, Cleaning your penis twice a day with a weak saline solution (salt water) can be soothing and can relieve discomfort. To make a weak saline solution, mix a teaspoonful of salt into half a litre (500ml) of warm water. Alternatively, you could also try using an aqueous cream (eg E45 cream) to soothe and clean the area.
If a skin irritant (eg soap or washing powder) is causing your
balanitis, symptoms often go a couple of days after you stop using the product. But be careful - if you start using the product again symptoms can come back.
Your GP will usually prescribe a mild
steroid cream. This helps to reduce the inflammation around your
glans. You will also receive treatment for any other underlying medical conditions causing your balanitis. Your GP may ask you to come back after a week or so to see how you are getting on with your treatment.
If your symptoms aren't responding to treatment or they keep coming back despite treatment, you should tell your GP. He or she may give you a different medication or refer you to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic or a
urologist so your symptoms can be investigated further. GUM clinics specialise in identifying and treating sexual health conditions and conditions related to the
urinary system (the system that produces urine). A urologist is a doctor who specialises in identifying and treating conditions of the
urinary tract. regards, Dr.Sharmila