Hello. My mom is 53 years old, and as long As i can remember she has always had this weird rash all over her body. She receives treatment for depression an anxiety. Her doctor told her the rash is caused from being nervous and thats why she is always scratching her skin, but to me it doesn't seem like this rash is caused because of her nervousness. This rash is all over her body, it runs from her neck to her arms, then her back, chest, and her legs. She's always bleeding from these blisters or wounds because i cannot really tell if they start as blisters or she makes herself bleed from scratching her skin way too much. And also, i've noticed that when she bleeds (from these blisters or other cuts or wounds) she bleeds way too much, it's as if her blood is too thin and that is causing her too bleed a lot. What can be the cause of all this?? One last thing i would like to mention are some of the medications she takes everyday. Effexor, Propanalol, Nexium, Premarin, oyster calcium, and Benadryl.