I have recently (about 2 weeks ago) been prescribed placquinil (two 200 mg. tablets per day). Since then, I have broken out in an all over the body rash with huge blotches. It has spread until there is no part of my body untouched - from toes to scalp. It is itching like CRAZY! My entire torso looks like one "port wine birthmark", for lack of a better way to picture it. My primary has done bloodwork, chest x-ray, given me prednisone (two 5 mg. tablets per day to begin; now, 5 days of 30 mg., 5 days of 20 mg. and finally then, back to my usual 10 mg per day. This concurs with my rheumatologist who prescribed the placquenil and also prednisone. Diagnosis: inflamatory arthritis. I will be seeing a dematologist this weeke. Could the ithe plaquenil be the culprit of this horrific body rash? General opinion seems to be that I'm having some sort of drug interaction, but so far no one's mentioned this drug. Thank you!