My ex boyfriend (44 years old) messaged me last week asking me if I have an STD and gave it to him. He then said that he had a rash on the left side of his groin at the underwear line. He also said he had a clear discharge ONCE. He was putting this rash off to being sick the week before. I checked myself a lot after that. I took pictures of places I couldn't visibly see. I had nothing except for ONE ingrown hair. I did another shave and still nothing. About a week and a half went by and I woke up to a itch, again still no rash. A couple more days went by still pretty itchy I applied hydrocortisone cream it did help a bit, then I woke up yesterday with a small rash. No head to the couple pimple looking things I had. Now the rash thing has spread near my anus, vagina and the inner thigh on the underwear line. They are pimple looking things and no head to them as of yet. Sorry for the long write up, but can someone please help me. I am in a new relationship with a very old friend and we have had intercourse. And the ONLY reason it was unprotected is we knew each other growing up AND we are both not able to have any more children. My last years pap showed nothing and these were my only two lovers. Please just be nice I am scared. Thank you