Hello and welcome to HCM,
The history given by you suggests that the
acne on your face has got infected.
The medicines prescribed by your doctor are sufficient to control the infection.
However, since your skin is oily, you can develop more acne and superimposed infection.
Acne are caused by blockage of sweat glands and superimposed infection.
hormonal changes seen during adolescence and young adulthood are responsible for development of acne.
Wash your face regularly with soap and water.
Avoid using cream based lotions and creams.
You should use gel based lotions.
The associated
dandruff can also aggravate the situation.
Treatment of dandruff is also required.
The shed dandruff can deposit on the face and can increase the infection.
So, consult your
dermatologist for treatment of dandruff.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal