On 11/9/12 I was rear ended by a car traveling 65-70 mph. I was in the process of slowing for stopped traffic ahead. Initially I felt ok. I had a headache and shoulder pain. I should mention that I was only 7weeeks post op for shoulder surgery on the left shoulder. I had repairs for two torn rotator cuff , torn labrum, AC joint degeneration and arthritis , impingement syndrome and bone spurs. Over the course of the next few weeks, my shoulder pain, headache, left wrist and elbow pain all improved. However, my back started hurting after about 3 days and continues to get worse. It feels like a lot of pressure right about where my bra strap goes. Over the last few days the aching spread to lower back. Three days ago I noticed my right hand was having tingling and numbness down the side of my hand and pinky finger . I don t remember hurting my hand, although it looks slightly swollen. At the base of my pinky, on the pad of palm, I can push to recreate the pain/numbness that certain movements cause. Do you think that the pinky numbness is related to the accident/back pain? I have an MRI tomorrow. I m a 45 yo woman. I exercise regularly and play tennis 4-5 days per week. ( well, prior to shoulder surgery). I ve had several sports related injuries, always left sided. (I m left handed) I have never injured my back or left hand/arm before.