Hi, I am an 18 year old female ..and I was wondering what is going On. My period is due the 24th I have a very regular cycle. My bleeding Lasts 5 days and starts out very heavy with HORRID cramping and by the 3rd day the Flow gets lighter..I ovulated on the 10th and had sex on the 7th,9th,10th, 16th, and 17th The 16th i got very very mild cramping and the 17th i had a very very light pink spotting that lasted Only a few hours, in the middle of the night it hot heavier but the cramps continued To be mild unusually, and i had just thought I started ny period a week early But early today my bleeding got very light and then stopped all together And is now spotting but its comes and goes and IS only a few drops I feel this is the end of the bleeding....the cramps have gone and my breasts aren teven Swollen or sore ..which is very unusual do to how close I am to my period next week I just recently also got a very upset stomach literally out of the blueand experienced Diarrhea ..I m not sure what us going on ...