I had a stomach flu (I thought) that came on suddenly in the middle of the night - I was fine at bedtime, then at 3am woke up severely nauseas, but when I got up I fainted and fell to the floor, then many seconds later woke up on the floor vomiting violently. It was terrifying. After making it to the bathroom and getting rid of what I thought was everything in my stomach, shaking and sweating, I made it back to bed. Then about 1 1/2 hours later it happened again, but this time I crawled to the bathroom. But didn t make it, passed out on the bath floor, hit my head - but regained consciousness almost immediately. More sleep and more vomiting about 4 hours later, then none after that. It took a day before I could keep anything down, and another day of recovery and back to work, feeling fine. Now, 3 days later I am experiencing dizzyness and lightheadedness off and on. So do you think this was a stomach flu or food poisoning? (I had chicken soup that was homemade and previously frozen). And isnt that weird that I actually passed out? it has never happened to me before. And is the dizzyness I m getting now part of that or do you think there might be something else going on?