The left side of my vagina is swollen. Its not a bump its underneath the skin and it feels like a inflamed muscle... It does not burn when I urinate, I have no discharge from the swollen area or any vaginal discharge beyond the normal. I checked my PH and it said it was normal. This is not located on the inside of my vagina, but on the outside. It is not a wart or a cyst . I ve had ingrowns before, this is not what this is. I have a feeling I could be allergic to some kind of lubricants maybe even allergic to the material that my vibrator is made out of. I m not sure. The first and last time I had this it wasn t as swollen, and it was after I used my toy and KY lubricant. Its been gone for a few months now, but recently it showed up again. I didn t have it before work, but was on my feet for 6 hours, my underwear started to irritate me and when I got home, I went swimming and noticed it was slightly inflamed. After the pool it grew to the size of something smaller then an egg but significantly larger then the right side. Each time this has happened it s always been on the left. Never internally, never on the right. Its also never been this severe. I have no insurance right now other than Women s Health Program, and its hard for me to find a doctor who will take that... My last Pap test was a year ago. I have had unprotected sex with three partners but the swelling the first time happened before the unprotected sex. I can t believe I have to pay for an answer... That is disturbing.