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You have recurrent UTI and menstrual irregularity,If you have UTI you should go for a urine culture and sensitivity test and suitable antibiotics may be given to cure UTI.
We should also search for cause of infection like any obstruction in
urinary tract or any
kidney stone.
If pus cells come in urine and culture is negative a search for
Tuberculosis is justified.
It is good to take lot of water as it flushes the tract and prevent chances of infection also pay attention to perineal hygine.
Please go for a detail medical check up and investigations properly including CBC,T3T4 THS,FBS,PPBS,Kidney function and a
Sonography of abdomen,and if your Gynaecologist asks for Hormone measurements.
Once proper cause is detected you will be healthy.
You have not mentioned your age?
You can also consult a Uro- Surgeon regarding recurrent UTI.
Take Care
Good Luck to you