I am a 58 year old woman, living in Southern California, no children, no pets, over-weight, non-smoker, very little alchol, moderate coffee drinker. 2 summers ago I shaved under my arms and got what I thought was a razor burn. However, the rash got larger, redder and burned so bad I could not put anything on it. Eventually I was able to use some Neosporin anti-biotic onintment. Eventually when the weather got cooler it faded away. Then last August 2012, we had a unusally hot and HUMID summer and again I started getting the same red rash under my arms. It is now 9 months later and the rash is still there. Sometimes it becomes less red, but everything seems to irritate the area. Right now the area has increased in size, is very red, burns and seems to ooze when hot. ANY SUGGESTIONS?